When we are bored at the studio and the customers does not show up, we sometimes (or very often) tattoo each other. The amazing Bi wanted a cover up on a little dragon on her neck, so I did a rose!! First siotting.. more to cum;)
Got a new Machine from Emil! We have a blast in Oslo.. working, painting and chilling at Art & Soul. He will be here till Sunday, so if you want any tattoos from him, come by or send an e-mail:) ancientskintattoo@gmail.com
The amazing Kristoffer Evang made an oil painting of me. One of my biggest inspirations, and probably one of the best artists in Oslo when it comes to realistic portrait paintings. I think you should all check out his work... http://www.kristofferevang.no/
One more session, and I think we are done. I took a little trip to Haugesund again to do more on Malenes arm. Turned out really nice actually! Did some rough sketchy stuff in the background. Like mixing styles like that! Fun stuff!!!
Just got invited by the sweet Claire Reid to join the Rites of Passage festival and tattoo convention in Melbourne next year. I am so excited to work there! Check out more info at http://www.ritesofpassagefestival.com
Hola! As some people may have noticed, there has been some problems with the blog. I am trying to fix this ASAP. Also, since my life has gone through so many changes, I have decided to change the blog a little bit... so stay tuned for that! Flashbook almost done, and will be for sale at conventions and in the studio. Lot of travelling coming ahead.. Its gonna be fun!!