Tuesday, May 10, 2011


It's been a long time since I blogged.. basically because too much have happened in my lif elately.. Done a couple of cool projects, but nothing all done... hehe...
Let's do some updates!!!

Did some freehand the other day... never really do freehand, but this one was really fun! Took a picture of every step, sketch, outline and shading.. hoping to do more of stuff like this!!! Thnx!!!


Last week, I had one of the worst days ever...
Candy came home from Spain, and guess what she gave me? Two cute owls!!! 
About 3 hours later, Kaia came in to the studio with two more owls. One for me, and one for her.
How lucky am I? 3 owls in one day??? And it was not even my birthday... 

Been a lot of owls lately... did 11 of them so far only in 2011. Crazy... Still have some left to do, both in Bergen and in the studio here in Oslo!!

Going to Bergen on Friday... thinks it's gonna be really fun!!! I have free time for tattooing on Sunday, so if anyone is up for it, e-mail me;)

Here is some sketches for Bergen;

And here is more on the owl chest I'm doing: Did some shading, and next time color and do some more roses and build on it... yeah!!!!

Tomorrow.. I'm getting tattooed by Morten Thrane on my stomach.. ouch. Gonna hurt, but I think I need some needle therapy.

SONG OF TODAY: 18 and life by SKID ROW


  1. Hilser Trine, lots of cool new drawings/tattoos. You must be an overhuman to manage all these things at once. Ive never seen a real unfortunately, so this is second best. Enjoy the visit to Bergen!!

    p.s. im writing a black metal zine, and i know you are into all things morbid and dark. Do you want to answer a letter for the zine, its done by hand? read the statement on my site www.myspace.com/frontiermag and comment back here or on DIE HARD site. im writing personally to everyone so the letter/interview would could right to your doorstep if you are inclined. let me know

  2. Shit! I did not check your blog for a while, missed the freehand skull... Good work!!!! Keep moving in this direction, I like it very much ;-)

  3. Any travel plans for Art & Soul to come to Toronto? There is a tattoo convention happening here in July.

    I think you should do tattoo if you come here, only GRIMM is real!
