I'ts 03:18 in the morning. I can't sleep. This is a weekend I, and the rest of the world will never forget. Too much that has to sink in... My mind is still spinning, and my eyes are sore because of crying and no sleep.
Oslo, one of the safest cities in the world experienced a mayhem that effected all of us.
I was at work when the bomb went off. I heard something that sounded like thunder, but it was too short. The shop is pretty far away from the building, but it was still load.
I had no idea what was going on. Ten minutes later one of my best friends Caroline calls me. She is in the middle of everything and describes a load sound, fire alarms and a cloud over the city with raining glass. I got scared. Kaia, my co worker also got a phone call, and we rushed to check the news; It was horrible. A bomb went of in one of the government buildings right in the center of the city. Everybody thought that terror had reached Norway.
It was total chaos. People running, screaming, ambulanses everywhere.
I was supposed to meet my dad, so I had to go down to my apartment.
I still had no idea what was going on, but it was a weird tension in the air, and it scared me. People were panicing and people were arguing. I saw a foreign boy, probably around 13-14 years old getting beated up outside the bus stop beeing called bad things and a terrorist. What was going on?
I went inside and turned on the news waiting for my dad. They of course started to talk about terror. Some people ment that they had to blame Al Qaeda. Some people didn't think they would do it like that... I checked my facebook and saw a lot of really bad status updates on who to blame. I just thought "please, shut up until we know" It pissed me off...
I got some friends over. We were all supposed to go out that day, but we were not allowed to get near the center. We sat at my place watching the news and talked.
Then the real horror came. Shootings at Utøya, a Norwegian man dressed in a police uniform shot young people at a youth camp. A massacre that I have no words to even explain. I shivered... It really got into me, and when I found out I knew some of them... I got really upset.
They caught the man who did it, and I was ashamed of all my Norwegian friends blaming the wrong people. I was sad and really pissed off.
We decided to go downtown since they opened the streets again and have a couple of beers at our favorite bar, Devilles. I didn't wanna sit at home waiting for a message. I was calm.
The whole city was a ghost town. Glass everywhere, policemen with machine guns. But the silent, was somthing I have never experienced.
The tension was weird. A few people in the bar. But in one way, it was good to meet up and
talk about what happened. This is a Rock bar, but this night, all different kinds of people were sitting together. Nobody cared.
So, I wish. That the people of Norway, no matter what religion or skin color or background will understand that we are all together in this. Don't judge before you know. This is a tragedy that we will never forget. It touched so many all over the world. I hope we keep together in these times, that we care, that we stop hating and that we help out each other.
I lost one friend, one is injured and one is missing. I can't even imagine how many people who lost their family members, kids and close friends in this evil act.
The world is not fair. I can't even describe it in words....
For real fear and real hate there is no words.
The heart is an organ of fire.
.......even after a week I cry every day... at least I feel for crying..or I cant hold back some tears here and there.. this is beyond! And of course I'm thinking on you all the time! Take care Trine! <3