Monday, March 14, 2011


Sorry for not blogging much lately. Not many finished projects to show off, and very busy with everything else. Gonna try to update more on both tattooing and art.. been starting on some cool art projects lately!

On Saturday was the Pirate Party! Did TWO owls.. how cool is that???

The first one was on Daniel. The owl I promised to give away to the first one showing up...for a really nice price. Poor guy was standing outside the door almost an hour before we opened, so.. This one was for you! haha...
Turned out pretty awesome... Thank you, D!

Next owl was on Nicoline. Just did the outline this time.. a little more evil than the pirate version.. but gonna turn out really cool! I also did her leg with a Black Metal lady.. Started on it a looong time ago when I was still fresh.. but after doing some more solid coloring and better lines.. it turned out cool;
Here is a healed picture:

Other than that! Working late tonight... Started the day off with building power supplies.. will add some photos of that later. Ended the day with a nice salad and a good session on Cnady's arm. Tired.. need sleep..

Soundtrack of the day: MAYLENE AND THE SONS OF DISASTER - Oh lonely grave

1 comment:

  1. Some sure dedication for waiting outside in a Norwegian winter.

    I lately acquired my own tattoo gun, after seeing alot of your tattoos, and other artists. What are these art projects you speak of, any drawings?
