Monday, January 17, 2011


Today I tattooed Robin. We met randomly in a bar in Oslo some months ago, and since he had a longboard with him, we of course started to talk about our common interests and passions; Skateboarding and tattoos.

Finally, after many months with drawing, talking, brainstorming and everything, we started on this chinese pin up with a longboard.
The story behind it?
Well. Robin skated through China, and wanted this as a memory. I am honored to be the one who did it.
We are going to add some tattoos on her, graphic and his sponsor on the board, and maybe in the future, some background.

Looking forward to more pin ups on you!
Thank you for a fun project!!

1 comment:

  1. Jeg er med DØNN til Japan! Vurderer faktisk å KANSKJE droppe festivaler i sommer og hellre dra til Japan, kanskje.... :P
